
I am an independent Advocate and added some information:

Advocates are provided in a number of situations; when a young person is subject to a child protection plan, when a young person is in care, or when a young person is under the care of the local authority but their placement is out of the area.

Usually advocates are requested by a young person’s social worker, but young people can approach us themselves, though we would contact the social worker to inform them that we were going to advocate for them.

When might a young person want an advocate?

          If they feel their views are not been listened to

          If they are unhappy with the way they are being cared for

          If they are angry or upset at something that is happening to them

          If they feel they have not been treated fairly

          If no one is telling them about their situation

          If decisions are being made and they feel they are being involved in the process

          If they want to make a complaint

An advocate will:

          Help a young person to speak up for themselves or speak on their behalf

          Listen to their concerns or worries and them to act on them

          Be open and honest

          Help a young person to prepare for meetings

          Explain to adults how the young person is feeling

          Explain to young people what is happening and what is planned to happen

          Help a young person to sort out a problem if they are thinking of making a complaint

If you want an advocate and are looked after by the local authority, or you or your family are involved with social care, then speak to your social worker and ask to be given an advocate, or call me.

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